POD ( Prescription Ordering Direct) will be live at Broseley Medical Practice from 28th November please see the POD section on this website for more information.
Prescriptions can be requested in the following ways
- Call POD on 0333 3583509 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
- E-Consults, the link can be found on our home page.
- Online via your 'Patient Access' account registration is required to create an account please ask at reception for details.
- Use your B side of your prescription, tick the items you are requesting. If the item you require is not on repeat please write this on the bottom of your B Side. The practice can provide you with a copy of your B side if needed.
Please note when the surgery is closed there is a letter box provided to place your prescription request in.
The Practice does not take medication requests over the phone.
If you should require an early request or a larger quantity of medication due to Holidays etc, the request should be clearly marked with the reason why you are making an early request. We will try our best to accommodate this request.
Sign in to Patient Access.
- Please do not stockpile medicines; only tick the items you need this time. Medicines not ordered will not be deleted from your list and will be there ready for next time.
- Please allow at least two working days for your prescription to be processed.
You can either collect your medication from the chemist or your prescription from the surgery by prior arrangement allowing at least two working days for processing.
Please contact reception to make an appointment if your tear-off slip states that a “medication review” is due.
Prescription Information Leaflet (PDF, 903KB)
Think twice before asking a GP to prescribe over the counter medicines such as for common or short term ailments. For more information please read the following leaflet Think Twice (PDF, 239KB)